Auto Repair Services
Certified Auto Repair in Amite provides several auto repair services that include but are not limited to those listed below.
Auto Repair
Our mechanics offer general auto repair for simple and complex parts. This includes front end repair, oil changes, fluid flushes, spark plug repairs, tire and wheel changes, and auto body repair, including the frame. We specialize in the services listed below, but can accommodate any repair you need.
Engine Rebuilds
Certified Auto Repair offers engine rebuilds for cars, trucks, vans, and SUVs. Whether you need to install a new engine because the car doesn’t run anymore, or you want to upgrade for more horse power, our experienced mechanics have the knowledge and experience to match the best engine to your vehicle. We can change your car from a V4 to a V6 or a V6 to a V8, or we our mechanics can scale down your engine to improve the gas mileage. Rebuilding your engine can be a great way to save money over buying a new vehicle. If you’re not looking to change anything about how your vehicle runs, we can replace the individual parts of your engine so that it works as good as new.
Electrical Diagnosis
If you’re having an electrical issue, it can be difficult to pinpoint the exact cause. Our team uses advanced digital software to provide an electrical diagnosis to find out exactly what needs to be repaired. We will then follow up with the service you need immediately. These services include fixing the dome lights, headlight, tail light, and turn signal wiring, heating and cooling elements, dashboard lights, seat heating elements, starter and battery mechanisms, and more.
Belt Repairs
We are experienced with belt repairs and can work with any belt system for any vehicle, dating back to antique cars. We can repair leaks and cracks or replace the belt as needed, including the serpentine drive belt, tensioner belt, timing belt, power steering belt, and water pump pulley as they apply to your vehicle.
In some cases, welding can be done as an alternative to replacing major parts of your vehicle. Certified Auto Repair has experienced welders on staff to reconnect any metal pieces of your vehicle. This includes reattaching a loose shock, muffler repair and customization, rust removal and repair, trailer hitch attachment, and much more. We use specialized hand held welding tools for the precise results you need.
Coolant Hose Repair
If your car is overheating frequently or your engine is not cooling down effectively, your coolant hose might be leaking, cracked, or worn. Certified Auto Repair fixes and replaces coolant hoses for any type of vehicle, preventing major engine repairs and damage to more expensive parts.